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28 July 2022


The Sirens Sing

From award-winning writer Kristel Thornell, The Sirens Sing is a portrait of Australian longing. It explores desire, how it haunts and shapes us, and how, from generation to generation, there... Read more
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Transit Lounge acquires Shirm’s ‘The Crying Room’ x

Transit Lounge has acquired world rights to Gretchen Shirm’s second novel The Crying Room, via Jane Novak Literary Agency. ‘It is hard to think of a novel more deeply sensitive and... Read more
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Hachette first-half sales up in the UK, US

Hachette’s UK sales were up 1.5% in the first half of 2022, reports the Bookseller. According to Hachette parent company Lagardère, the UK’s performance was driven by children’s and YA... Read more
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Bon and Lesley (Shaun Prescott, Giramondo) x

Shaun Prescott continues his existential explorations of modern life in his second novel, which follows his 2017 debut The Town. In the opening pages of Bon and Lesley we meet... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



Mai Tai Two Times

EDDIE HEADS is a professional liar. A daydreamer. A writer of bogus articles for a dodgy travel journal. But that’s all over after the magazine went bust. Now Eddie is... Read more



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