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13 January 2023

The Next Chapter, Open Book receive Australia Council funding

The Australia Council has announced its latest round of funding, with $9.5 million going to 225 creative projects and activities. Among the recipients was the Wheeler Centre (TWC), which received... Read more
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Hazel Rowley fellowship 2023 shortlist announced

Writers Victoria has announced the shortlist for the 2023 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, worth $20,000. The nine shortlisted writers and their projects are: Diane Bell (ACT), for ‘The Queen and... Read more
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Foster’s ‘The Hush’ optioned for TV

Producer Clark Peterson and his company Story and Film, Inc. have optioned Sara Foster’s 2021 thriller The Hush (HarperCollins) for development as a television series, ‘in a competitive situation’, according... Read more
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Books in the media this weekend,14–15 January x

A round-up of the books being reviewed and mentioned in key media this coming weekend.  ACT The Canberra Times  Art is Life (Jerry Saltz, Ilex Press) The Complete Guide to... Read more


The Hotel Witch (Jessica Miller, Text) x

With a cast of larger-than-life characters that almost pop off the page, The Hotel Witch is the wonderfully imaginative new adventure from Jessica Miller, who previously brought us The Republic... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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