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21 July 2023


Harris leaves PRH x

Penguin Random House Australia (PRH) publishing director young readers Laura Harris has chosen to leave the company. Her decision to leave came following a review of the publisher’s local children’s... Read more
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Classification Review Board upholds determination on ‘Gender Queer’

The Australian Classification Review Board has rejected an appeal to the classification of the graphic novel Gender Queer: A memoir (Maia Kobabe, Oni Press), upholding its determination that the book... Read more
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HarperCollins US shuts down YA imprint

HarperCollins US will shut down its YA imprint Inkyard Press, with a number of staff to be laid off on 1 August, reports Publishers Weekly. Inkyard Press, which operated under... Read more
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Something Bad is Going to Happen (Jessie Stephens, Macmillan) x

When Jessie Stephens’s debut novel opens, protagonist Adella is almost 30 and spending New Year’s Eve in a psychiatric hospital. Something bad, it seems, has happened. The novel rewinds to... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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