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28 July 2023


Graphic novelists to appear at Adelaide Papercuts Comics Festival

Papercuts Comics Festival, a biennial celebration of comics and graphic novels, will return to Adelaide on 16-17 September. The Creators in Conversation discussion panels include: children’s illustrators Gavin Aung Than,... Read more
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Sex: Two billion years of procreation and recreation optioned for television x

The nonfiction book Sex: Two billion years of procreation and recreation (David Baker, Black Inc.) has been optioned by documentary producers Smith&Nasht for adaptation as a science television series, in a... Read more
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Lagardère Publishing sales grow 2.5% in first half

Hachette parent company Lagardère Publishing’s sales grew 2.5% in the first six months of 2023, while higher costs pushed profits down, reports Publishers Weekly. Lagardère’s recurring EBIT (earnings before interest... Read more
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Tiwi Story: Turning history downside up (Mavis Kerinaiua & Laura Rademaker, UNSW) x

In Tiwi Story: Turning history downside up, Mavis Kerinaiua and Laura Rademaker undertake the phenomenal work of penning Tiwi peoples’ past and present. Tiwi Story is the latest preservation of... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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