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19 September 2023

Publishers attending Frankfurt x

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has confirmed the publishers that will appear on the Australian Collective Stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The publishers to appear on the APA’s stand... Read more
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Writing NSW diverse writers mentorship 2023 recipients announced

Writing NSW has announced the nine recipients of its 2023 mentoring program for emerging writers from First Nations or culturally diverse backgrounds. This year’s winners are: Celine Eigner Tamara Haque... Read more
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Malaviya appointed permanent CEO of PRH

Bertelsmann has officially appointed Nihar Malaviya as Penguin Random House (PRH) CEO, reports Publishers Weekly. Malaviya was appointed interim CEO following Markus Dohle’s resignation in December last year. Bertelsmann chair... Read more
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Women & Children (Tony Birch, UQP) x

Tony Birch’s latest novel, Women & Children, is a thoughtful and profound story of a working-class family doing their best to resist a system that’s geared against them. In 1965... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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