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14 January 2025

How were your Christmas sales? Let us know in our annual survey x

Books+Publishing is currently conducting its annual Christmas survey of booksellers and publishers. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey online. We are accepting submissions until Wednesday 22 January. Booksellers... Read more
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Aotearoa New Zealand market down 6.6% in value x

In Aotearoa New Zealand, the book market in 2024 was down by 6.6% in value and 3.2% in volume, according to figures from Nielsen BookScan NZ. Nielsen’s 2024 snapshot for... Read more
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Text Prize discontinued x

Text Publishing has announced that the Text Prize has been discontinued. In a statement, the publisher said it had ‘made the reluctant decision’ that Caroline Stills’ A Gift from the... Read more
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Varuna, the National Writers House logo


Inaugural Varuna Trans and Gender Diverse Fellowship announced x

Varuna, the National Writers’ House has announced a new fellowship program – the Varuna Trans and Gender Diverse Fellowship. Varuna described the fellowship as being open to ‘trans and gender... Read more


Pearce wins PF Rowland Manuscript Development Grant x

James Cook University’s Foundation for Australian Literary Studies has announced Lilian Pearce as the recipient of the second $5000 PF Rowland Manuscript Development Grant. The grant is offered in partnership... Read more


HarperVia acquires two Tsao novels x

Alexa Frank at HarperVia has acquired world English rights to two novels by 2023 PEN Translation Prize winner Tiffany Tsao, in a pre-empt deal from Daniel Lazar at Writers House... Read more

S&S launches audio-first imprint

In the US, Simon & Schuster has launched Simon Maverick, an audio-first imprint, under the guidance of Jason Pinter, the imprint’s vice-president and editorial director. Publishers Weekly (PW) reported that... Read more


The Body Next Door (Zane Lovitt, Text, March) x

Nestled in Melbourne’s western suburbs, Carnation Way is a quiet street of identical-looking houses with one distinction: number 37 was the scene of a murder 13 years ago. In the... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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