Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
20 July 2016

McCormack appointed small business minister; COSBOA, ARA concerned portfolio omitted from cabinet

Nationals MP Michael McCormack was sworn in as the federal small business minister on 19 July, replacing Liberal MP Kelly O’Dwyer in the position. O’Dwyer was appointed to the role... Read more

‘The Lifted Brow’ & RMIT non/fictionLab Prize for Experimental Nonfiction longlist announced

Melbourne-based publisher and literary magazine the Lifted Brow has announced the longlist for its Prize for Experimental Nonfiction. The longlisted works are: ‘When Flakes of Ash Fall and Melt into Water’ by... Read more


New Stephenie Meyer thriller in November

Publishers Little Brown and Hachette Australia have announced the forthcoming release of The Chemist, a new thriller by Twilight author Stephenie Meyer, to be published worldwide on 15 November. The... Read more

Amazon US launches ‘Kindle Singles Classics’

In the US, Amazon has announced the launch of its new nonfiction series ‘Kindle Singles Classics’, which will include ‘hard-to-find’ essays and stories by established authors, including John le Carré,... Read more



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