Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
21 October 2016

Walkley Book Award 2016 longlist announced

The 2016 Walkley Book Award longlist has been announced. The longlisted titles are: Phillip Schuler: The Remarkable Life of One of Australia’s Greatest War Correspondents (Mark Baker, A&U) The Squad... Read more


Womersley signs three-book deal with Picador

Chris Womersley’s fourth novel will be published by Picador in 2017 as part of a three-book deal. Set against the backdrop of 17th-century France and based on historical events, City... Read more


Scribe signs 2016 Vic Prem’s Unpublished Manuscript finalist

Scribe has signed a two-book deal with young writer Jay Carmichael, who was shortlisted for the 2016 Victorian Premier’s Award for an Unpublished Manuscript for his novella Ironbark. Ironbark is... Read more

European authors’ average earnings at €17,500, report finds x

A newly released European Commission report has found that authors in Europe earned on average €17,500 (A$24,986) per year, reports the Bookseller. The findings, based on data collected in 2015,... Read more



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