Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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3 May 2018


Australians report 'calm' and 'optimistic' LBF, feminism and big data key trends x

Australian publishers who attended the London Book Fair (LBF) reported a ‘relatively calm’ fair, with interest across a broad range of titles and plenty of discussion around the future of... Read more


Brio announces new unpublished manuscript prize for mystery writing

Brio Books has announced a new unpublished manuscript prize, the Carter Brown Mystery Writing Award. Established in conjunction with the Carter Brown Foundation and US-based Stark House Press, the new... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Entries closing soon: Prime Minister's Literary Awards 2018.


UWAP expands Dorothy Hewett award

University of Western Australia Publishing (UWA Publishing) has announced it will expand the eligibility of the next Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript to all Australian writers and permanent... Read more


Australian comics artist Whyte nominated for Eisner Award

Perth-based comics artist Campbell Whyte has been nominated for the 2018 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards for his book Home Time: Under the River (Top Shelf Productions). Whyte’s book was... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Tagg & Cliff Made. Unique Artisan Cards.


Dark Mofo announces full program for ‘literature, film and ideas’ event

Tasmania’s midwinter festival Dark Mofo has announced the program for the Dark and Dangerous Thoughts (DDT) two-day symposium, a showcase of ‘literature, film and ideas’ that runs from 9 to... Read more

Repeal book event at Dublin International Literature Festival cancelled by local council

An event at Dublin’s International Literature Festival that planned to discuss an anthology of writing about the movement for reproductive rights in Ireland was cancelled by Dublin City Council (DCC) after the... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Traffic Lights



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