Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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15 May 2018

The Dry


‘The Dry’ wins crime book of the year at British Book Awards

Jane Harper’s The Dry (Pan) has won the crime and thriller book of the year award at the British Book Awards. Harper said, ‘I’m absolutely thrilled that The Dry has... Read more


Sisters in Crime launches two new awards in 2018

Sisters in Crime is launching two new prizes in 2018: the Crime and Punishment Award, and the Award for Best Forensic Linguistics Story. The Crime and Punishment Award will be awarded... Read more
Image. Advertisement: The Next Chapter


PRH acquires Sydney teenager’s debut novel

Penguin Random House (PRH) has acquired Sydney teenager Vivian Pham’s debut adult novel, The Coconut Children. Negotiated by Benython Oldfield from Zeitgeist Agency, the deal came after a ‘heated’ auction... Read more


'Voiceworks' to expand with online component in late-2018

Voiceworks has announced it will begin commissioning and publishing original online content later this year. Voiceworks editor Mira Schlosberg said the new digital publishing arm will publish interactive fiction, animated comics,... Read more
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A&U to publish Winx book

Allen & Unwin will publish a book about world number one racehorse Winx in late October 2018. Gold Walkley winner Andrew Rule will author the official biography, Winx: Greatest of... Read more

HarperCollins, Blackwell's among the winners at British Book Awards

HarperCollins has been named Publisher of the Year and bookshop chain Blackwell’s won Book Retailer of the Year at the 2018 British Book Awards. HarperCollins earned this year’s Publisher of... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Leap Frog by Gina Sano

Waterstones accused of breaking pledge to not compete with indie bookshops

British bookshop chain Waterstones has announced it plans to expand in Edinburgh, causing local independent booksellers to accuse the chain retailer of backtracking on previous statements about not competing with... Read more



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