Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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16 August 2018

Finch Publishing to close; S&S acquires Biddulph

Finch Publishing has announced it will cease publishing in late December this year and owner Rex Finch will retire. The publisher, which is best known for its parenting books, celebrated its... Read more


ABC to close online store, ABC Centres

The ABC has proposed closing its online store and discontinuing any ABC Centres still hosted by third-party booksellers, reports Mumbrella. The move will see the broadcaster’s direct retail operations shut... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Indigenous Literacy Day, 5 September 2018.


‘Overland’ Victoria University Short Story Prize 2018 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the 2018 Overland Victoria University (VU) Short Story Prize for new writers has been announced. The shortlisted stories are: ‘Mr Bananafish’ (Caoimhe McKeogh) ‘Geraldton wax’ (Beejay Silcox) ‘Nothing in... Read more


Australian bestsellers in July: crime authors top fiction; Stroud number two in nonfiction x

Two crime-thriller novels topped the Australian fiction bestsellers chart in July, with the number one spot going to crime-writing veteran Michael Robotham’s The Other Wife, and second place to debut author Christian... Read more
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UK working class writers' festival planned for 2020

In the UK, authors, publishers and trade professionals will launch a working class writers’ festival, reports the Bookseller. Author Natasha Carthew initially tweeted to her followers in July: ‘Comrades! This is a call... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 24-28 October



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