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24 October 2018


Queensland Literary Awards 2018 winners announced

The winners of the 2018 Queensland Literary Awards (QLAs) were announced on 23 October. The winning titles in each category are: Fiction ($15,000) Taboo (Kim Scott, Picador) Nonfiction ($15,000) Tracker... Read more


Australian children’s books shortlisted for Japan’s Sakura Medal

Five Australian children’s books have been shortlised for Japan’s Sakura Medal. Jeannie Baker’s picture book Circle (Walker) has been nominated in the picture books category, while in the chapter books category, Paul... Read more
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Mununggurr-Williams wins 2018 Australian Poetry Slam

Darwin-based Djapu poet Melanie Mununggurr-Williams has won the 2018 Australian Poetry Slam national final, reports the Guardian. At the national final held at the Sydney Opera House on 21 October,... Read more

Four UK bookshops nominated for Britain’s Best Small Shop

In the UK, four independent bookshops have been nominated for Britain’s Best Small Shop of 2018, reports the Bookseller. The annual competition, managed by the Independent Retailers Confederation, celebrates ‘entrepreneurial... Read more
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