Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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13 June 2019


Pages & Pages to close

Pages & Pages Booksellers in Mosman, Sydney, will close on 30 August following the owners’ decision not to renew their lease. Chris and Phil Page first opened the store in... Read more


Hollier joins MUP as CEO x

Melbourne University Publishing (MUP) has appointed Nathan Hollier as its new chief executive officer. Hollier, who has been director of Monash University Publishing for nine years, takes over from acting... Read more
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Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction 2019 shortlist announced

Lip magazine has announced the shortlist for the 2019 Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction. The shortlisted stories are: ‘Inheritance’ by Elizabeth Flux ‘How to Cook Pho’ by Emily Dang ‘The... Read more

Booktopia shortlisted for online retail awards

Online bookseller Booktopia has been shortlisted in several categories in the 2019 Online Retail Industry Awards (ORIAs). Booktopia is a finalist for Best Pureplay Retailer and Technology Champion, while Booktopia... Read more
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Ruskovich wins 2019 International Dublin Literary Award for ‘Idaho’

US writer Emily Ruskovich has won the €100,000 (A$162,930) Dublin International Literary award for her debut novel Idaho (Vintage). Idaho follows a family living in the isolated Northern Idaho mountains whose... Read more

Ebury restructures staff around audience hubs

In the UK, Penguin nonfiction imprint Ebury is restructuring its staff around four audience hubs to bring publicity and marketing closer to editorial, reports the Bookseller. Each hub—Smart, Entertainment, Self... Read more
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