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Book reviews and interviews

The Choke
Sofie Laguna, A&U, September 2017, reviewed by Simon McDonald

Sofie Laguna is a writer who can wrench beauty even from the horror of a child caught up in the toxic world of bastardised masculinity.... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Wild Dingo Press: The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree and The Mouth that Roared


On tour: David George Haskell x

Biologist David George Haskell travelled the world to explore the biological networks of different trees for his book The Song of Trees: Stories from Nature’s... Read more


The Fictional Dimension: Bram Presser on ‘The Book of Dirt’

Bram Presser’s The Book of Dirt (Text, September) is ‘a remarkable tale of Holocaust survival, love and genealogical sleuthing by a grandson intent on finding... Read more



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