Special Bulletin
22 January 2016

Post-Christmas survey: sales up for 90% of booksellers, 71% of indies x

Ninety percent of booksellers have reported an increase in sales in Christmas 2015, including 71% of indies, according to the results of Books+Publishing’s annual post-Christmas... Read more

Nielsen BookScan Christmas figures: value and volume up x

Local booksellers experienced a boost in sales over the Christmas period thanks to the continued success of adult colouring books. According to Nielsen BookScan, sales... Read more

The books: ‘Freaking colouring books!’ x

While only one narrative nonfiction title made Nielsen BookScan’s nonfiction bestsellers chart, a number of local titles were among the most-mentioned by booksellers: Kerry O’Brien’s... Read more

Publishers’ perspectives x

Christmas sales were up in 2015 for more than two thirds of the major publishers, and ‘about the same’ for the remaining third. Approximately half... Read more



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