Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
2 May 2007

PEP taking a 'close look' at Borders x

Private equity company Pacific Equity Partners (PEP), the owner of Angus & Roberston in Australia and Whitcoulls in New Zealand, is reportedly ‘closely looking at... Read more

Hicks won't profit from book: Attorney-General x

Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock (pictured) yesterday flagged that the federal government would introduce retrospective legislation to prevent Australian Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks from profiting... Read more

McHardy joins S&S as deputy MD x

Franscois McHardy, formerly editorial director at Doubleday Australia, has joined Simon & Schuster Australia as deputy managing director. Jon Attenborough, S&S MD, said: ‘We’re thrilled... Read more

Changes at UWA Press x

The University of Western Australia Press (UWA Press) has confirmed to WBN that the press is undergoing a period of ‘renewal’ involving staffing changes and... Read more

Budget 07-08: what's in it for the book industry? x

Like many other industries the Australian book trade will be awaiting with interest next week’s announcement of the federal 2007-08 budget. While an early announcement... Read more

Formal accreditation for editors a step closer? x

The forthcoming Institute of Professional Editors National Conference, to be held in Hobart from 9 to 12 May, will include a presentation on the proposal... Read more

Booksellers Choice awards shortlist announced x

The six shortlisted titles for this year’s Nielsen BookData Booksellers Choice Award have been announced. They are: Every Move You Make (David Malouf, Chatto &... Read more

Bookseller+Publisher website makes Hitwise top 10 x

BOOKSELLER+PUBLISHER Online, the site that hosts the online version of the Weekly Book Newsletter, was a Hitwise Top 10 Award winner for the quarter ending ending... Read more

Kibble and Dobbie shortlists announced x

The titles shortlisted for the Nita B Kibble Literary Award for Women Writers and those shortlisted for the Dobbie Encouragement Award were announced on 27... Read more

Choice books! Nominations for NZ Booksellers' Choice Awards announced x

The titles in the running for this year’s New Zealand Booksellers’ Choice Award have been announced. They are: Eagle’s Complete Trees and Shrubs of New... Read more

Stephens wins Brothers Grimm award x

John Stephens, author of Language and Ideology in Children’s Fiction (Addison-Wesley), has been awarded the 11th International Grothers Grimm Award for an ‘outstanding body of research... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair, which continues until 6... Read more

Around the world x

Among the stories added to our Around the World blog this week: British book industry awards announced Edgar awards announced Amazon sales soar in first... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

The two new entries in this week’s top 10 should catch no-one by surprise. Debuting at number six is J R R Tolkein’s posthumously published... Read more



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