Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
27 June 2007

'Carpentaria' wins Miles Franklin x

This year’s Miles Franklin Literary Award has been won by Alexis Wright for her novel Carpentaria, published by Giramondo. The Miles Franklin is widely regarded... Read more

Carlyon and Cochrane share PM's history prize x

The Great War (Les Carlyon, Macmillan) and Colonial Ambition: Foundations of Australian Democracy (Peter Cochrane, MUP) are the joint winners of the inaugural $100,000 Prime... Read more

ACCC concerned about McPherson's/Griffin merger x

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is extending its review into the proposed joint venture between printing companies McPherson’s and Griffin Press, citing concerns... Read more

Wiley's 200th a 'record year' x

As it celebrates 200 years in business, John Wiley & Sons has announced record annual results for 2006-07, topping US$1 billion in global revenue for... Read more

FitzSimons 'Books Alive' tour dates announced x

Books Alive ambassador for 2007 Peter FitzSimons will hit the road throughout July and August to talk about his new book, The Ballad of Les... Read more

Galley Club Awards x

More that 210 publishers, printers and designers attended this year’s Galley Club Awards night in Sydney on the 15th of June, which showcased ‘excellence in... Read more

Little Hare gains North American distribution x

Little Hare Books, the Australian children’s book publisher, has signed a deal with Trafalgar Square Publishing/IPG to distribute its titles in the US and Canada.... Read more

'First Tuesday Book Club' advance title notification x

In the forthcoming episode of ABC TV’s ‘First Tuesday Book Club’, to be screened on 3 July, the following book club titles will be announced:... Read more

Pearson to integrate Reed Publishing NZ x

Pearson Group, which acquired Reed Publishing New Zealand (RPNZ) as part of its purchase of Harcourt Education in May, has confirmed its commitment to ‘preserve... Read more

Peat awarded Michael King fellowship x

Neville Peat, author of the award-winning Wild Dunedin (Otago University Press), has been awarded the NZ$100,000 (A$85,000) Creative New Zealand Michael King Writers’ Fellowship. The fellowship,... Read more

Rosoff wins Carnegie; Greenaway to Grey x

Just in Case (Meg Rosoff, Puffin) and The Adventures of the Dish and the Spoon (Mini Grey, Random House) have won this year’s CILIP Carnegie... Read more

'Imperial Life in the Emerald City ' wins Samuel Johnson Prize x

Imperial Life in the Emerald City (Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Bloomsbury), an account of life in Baghdad’s Green Zone, has been named the 2007 winner of the... Read more

Cape Town Book Fair an 'unprecedented success' x

The 2007 Cape Town Book Fair, which ran from 16 to 19 June, was ‘an unprecedented success’ according to the organisers. The second annual Cape... Read more

In brief x

Sci Fi conference goes onlineAugust’s Conflux 4 science fiction convention will be held entirely online, according to the ABC. Richard & Judy pick MortonThe Shifting... Read more

Around the world x

Among the many stories added to our Around the World blog this week: Authors’ Guild tries to kill ‘dead celebrities’ bill Microsoft signs digitisation deal... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

With The Secret dominating the bestseller chart for the ninth week running, it seems more and more likely that it will take something as big... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: APA Industry Forum in Melbourne on 27 June APA Industry... Read more

RiP Paul Hodder-Williams x

Paul Hodder-Williams, chairman of Hodder & Stoughton from 1960 until his retirement in 1975, has died, aged 97. Grandson Jamie Hodder-Williams writes in Publishing News:... Read more



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