Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
28 May 2008

SWF: Good crowds, more book sales and a little controversy x

While final audience numbers will not be available for at least a week, Sydney Writers’ Festival artistic director Wendy Were told WBN she was ‘thrilled... Read more

'Movida' book of the year at APA Book Design Awards x

Reuben Crossman was awarded the Lamb Print Best Designed Book of the Year award for Movida (Frank Camorra & Richard Cornish, Murdoch Books) at the 2008... Read more

'SMH' best young Australian novelists announced x

The winners of this year’s Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) best young Australian novelists awards were announced during the Sydney Writers’ Festival on Friday.   The... Read more

Microsoft shuts down book search x

Microsoft has announced it is ending its book search programs Live Search Books and Live Search Academic and that ‘both sites will be taken down... Read more

Fremantle Press makes e-book available free online x

In an unusual move for an Australian publisher Fremantle Press has announced it will make e-book copies of Hal Spacejock 1 available free online from... Read more

'Snake and Lizard' wins NZ Post Book Award x

Snake and Lizard by Joy Cowley is the winner of this year’s New Zealand Post Book of the Year prize. The title, which is illustrated... Read more

Freedom to publish key concern at IPA congress x

Among the resolutions made at the recent congress of the International Publishers Association (IPA) in Korea was one calling on the ‘Burmese, Chinese, Iranian and Vietnamese... Read more

In brief x

Author behind Gun Alley murder pardonResearch by author Kevin Morgan and used for his book Gun Alley: Murder, Lies and Failure of Justice (S&S) has... Read more

Around the world x

Among the stories added to our Around the World blog in the past week: Hachette UK clashes with Amazon Barnes & Noble CEO keen to... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

Two very different books vie for top spot in the Highest New Entries chart this week but with somewhat similar subject matter. Patricia Cornwell’s The... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: Book Expo America, Los Angeles, 29 May – 1 June... Read more



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