Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
30 July 2008

APA restructure: Fewin and Mitchell to go x

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has announced the outcome of a strategic review, which will include the redundancies of two staff from the association’s Sydney... Read more

De Kretser, Toltz on Booker longlist x

The Lost Dog by Michelle de Kretser (A&U) and A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Toltz (Hamish Hamilton) are among the titles longlisted for... Read more

HarperCollins titles available to browse on iPhone x

HarperCollins has announced the creation of a web application that allows iPhone and iPod touch users to browse e-book extracts and the option to purchase the... Read more

Literary agents write to PM on parallel importation x

The Australian Literary Agents Association (ALAA) has written a letter to the Prime Minister arguing against any change to Australia’s territorial copyright rules. The letter,... Read more

Books Alive kicks off x

The 2008 Books Alive campaign started last Sunday, 27 July, with the public release of the 50 Books You Can’t Put down booklet and this... Read more

Byron Bay Writers' Festival recovers from first-day wash out x

The first day of this year’s Byron Bay Writers’ Festival, held over the weekend at the Byron Bay Beach Resort, was cancelled due to flooding... Read more

Publishers feel pressure of the pitch at Books@MIFF x

Some changes to this year’s Books@MIFF event left some publishers WBN spoke to a little shaken. For their public pitching sessions, held in front of... Read more

Ned Kelly Awards shortlist announced x

The shortlist for the 2008 Ned Kelly Awards for crime writing have been announced. The shortlisted titles in each category are: Best first fiction A... Read more

In brief x

‘Mr Paparazzi’ recalledPenguin has announced a recall of Mr Paparazzi by Darren Lyons (Viking, ISBN 9780670029563) due to ‘impending legal action’ (see Classified). Melbourne writer... Read more

Around the world x

Among the many items added to our Around the World blog in the past week: students scanning textbooks to file-share healthy half-yearly result for Pearson... Read more

Quotes of the week x

‘I have bemoaned the price of books in Australia ever since I arrived here, but now I understand the implications I’ll buy from Australian bookshops... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: Entries close for Hawkesbury River Writers’ Prose Fiction Competition, 31... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

All those folks who have been waiting for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to come out in paperback have rocketed said book to the... Read more

RiP Richard Kidd x

Children’s author and painter Richard Kidd has died, aged 56. His books included Almost Famous Daisy!, Monsieur Thermidor: A Fantastic Fishy Tale and The Giant... Read more

RiP Randy Pausch x

Randy Pausch, computer scientist and author of the bestseller The Last Lecture has died, he was 47.



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