Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
8 November 2012

Jenna Austen’s ‘The Romance Diaries’ x

The Romance Diaries is a fun, fast-paced and modern read for lovers of the Clueless style of Jane Austen updates. In this first book in... Read more

New ASA website x

The Australian Society of Authors has relaunched its website at www.asaauthors.org. The new site includes a dedicated news section, as well as an events calendar,... Read more

Booktopia ranked 96 on ‘BRW’ Fast 100 list x

Online bookseller Booktopia was ranked 96th on this year’s BRW (Business Review Weekly) Fast 100 list. The rankings were revealed at an event in Sydney... Read more

Dymocks launches podcasts x

Dymocks has begun producing podcasts, launching with a discussion of J K Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy and thus far including interviews with Pamela Stephenson and... Read more

Next round of Wheeler Centre fellowships announced x

The Wheeler Centre has announced its next round of ‘hot desk’ fellowships, sponsored by Readings. The successful applicants in this round are Oliver Mol, who... Read more

Wood to launch long-form interview magazine x

Author Charlotte Wood is launching a soft-copy subscription magazine, to be produced as a PDF file sent to subscribers by email, called The Writer’s Room... Read more

International Library News x

UK report says all those involved in libraries ‘need to work harder’ In the UK, the Culture, Media and Sport select committee report into library... Read more

In brief x

NSW Library Council calls for more public library funding The Library Council of New South Wales has used the Local Government Association of NSW conference... Read more

NZ librarian wins Betty Gilderdale Award x

Hamilton-based librarian and children’s literature specialist Gerri Judkins is the recipient of this year’s Storylines Betty Gilderdale Award. Judkins, who is currently the school librarian at Southwell... Read more

SLNSW to administer $200,000 grant for Moree Indigenous centre x

The State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) will administer funding of $200,000 for the Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre in Moree on behalf of the NSW... Read more

NLA, SLNSW recognised at Museums Australia awards x

The National Library of Australia (NLA) and the State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) have won multiple awards in this year’s Museums Australia Multimedia... Read more

Tim Coronel: What next for the Australian publishing industry? x

Former Bookseller+Publisher publisher Tim Coronel gave a speech at the Wheeler Centre today as part of the SPUNC Independent Publishers Conference. He said: ‘Nielsen BookScan’s pie... Read more

O’Hanlon appointed CEO at Varuna x

Jansis O’Hanlon will join Varuna, the Writers’ House, in the role of chief executive officer at the end of November. O’Hanlon replaces Lis Bastian, who finished in... Read more

Quinlan joins Stella Prize x

Megan Quinlan has joined the Stella Prize in the role of prize manager. Quinlan has previously worked as a bookseller, an editor at the Monthly... Read more

APA Professional Development: Only 6 Places on the Last Workshop of the Year x

Fixed Up Proper Way? Editing Indigenous content, working with Indigenous authors. Sydney: Wednesday 14 November; Melbourne: Thursday 22 November. 9.30am – 5pm This event has... Read more

Call for Entries for the 2013 Commonwealth Book Prize and Commonwealth Short Story Prize x

The Commonwealth Foundation is calling for entries for the 2013 Commonwealth Book Prize and Commonwealth Short Story Prize.  Awarded for best first book, the Commonwealth... Read more

Public symposium on the future of writing in a digital age – 13 & 14 November x

Writers, publishers, journalists and media academics will come together to discuss the challenges and opportunities open to writers and publishers in the digital age, at... Read more

Unwin Trust Fellowship – Applications open x

Applications are now invited for the 2013 Unwin Trust Fellowship. The Fellowship, enabling a member of the Australian book trade to visit the UK for... Read more

Allen & Unwin Congratulates Alex Miller x

Allen & Unwin is thrilled to congratulate Alex Miller on winning the Melbourne Prize for Literature 2012. Alex is a very deserving winner and A&U are delighted with this outstanding result. ‘A&U is extremely proud to publish Alex’s rich body of work of award-winning, critically acclaimed novels. His books delight many thousands of readers around the world and this award is utterly deserved.’ Annette Barlow, Publisher.

To view books by Alex Miller please click here.


Looking for Editorial Service Vendor opporutnity with the publishers x

I am Sridharan, from XMLTricks, Chennai, India – offers Electronic Publishing Services & Solutions to global Publishers/Libraries/Online Content Providers/Electronic Book Stores.

We provide following publishing services:

  • Accessible Media Conversion
  • eBook Conversion
    • ePub (ePub 2 & 3) – all device compatibility
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    • Enhanced eBooks
    • Apps Development
  • Data Conversion
    • XML/HTML Conversion
    • PDF or Image Conversion
    • Pre-Press Services
    • Scanning and Indexing
    • Any other customized data transformation requirements

We would like to explore the business opportunity with your organization based on above service categories. We guarantee that outsourcing your digitization and data conversion needs to us will reduce your native costs by 40%.




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