Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
Image. Advertisement: A S Patric: Atlantic Black. From the winner of the Miles Franklin Award. Out 1 November.
27 September 2017


The Naturalist’s Daughter

If you like The Birdman’s Wife and Remarkable Creatures, you’ll love Tea Cooper. A chance discovery sparks a chain of events that reverberates through the... Read more
Image. Advertisement: MEEP by Andy Geppert

the invisible war


Educational Publishing Awards 2017 winners announced

The Australian Publishers Association (APA) has announced the winners of the 2017 Educational Publishing Awards Australia. The graphic novel The Invisible War: A Tale on Two... Read more


Blanchard wins inaugural Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award

Jacqueline Blanchard has won the Institute of Professional Editors’ (IPEd) inaugural Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award, known as The Rosie, for her editorial work on All... Read more
Image. Advertisement: A stunning story of secrets, lies and the biggest scientific controversy of the nineteenth century: the classification of the platypus. January 2018.


Affirm Press sells White’s VPLA-winning novel into nine territories

Affirm Press has sold rights to Christian White’s forthcoming The Nowhere Child, previously called Decay Theory, into nine overseas territories. As previously reported by Books+Publishing,... Read more


Bailey’s ‘The Dark Lake’ optioned for screen

Hopscotch Features has optioned the film and TV rights to Sarah Bailey’s crime thriller The Dark Lake (A&U), via Lyn Tranter of Australian Literary Management.... Read more
Image. Advertisement: The Wonderling


‘Guardian Australia’ expands books coverage

Guardian Australia is expanding its book coverage with two new series of commissioned works on established and emerging Australian writers, launched under a dedicated section... Read more


writingWA to promote WA books at Frankfurt Book Fair x

writingWA CEO Sharon Flindell will attend this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair to promote 25 new books by WA writers and publishers. Flindell told Books+Publishing that... Read more


Over 100 Australian writers, artists sign ‘ABR’ open letter supporting marriage equality

The Australian Book Review (ABR) has published an open letter in support of marriage equality, which has been signed by more than 100 writers, artists... Read more


Australian Family Therapists’ Award for Children’s Literature 2017 winners announced

The winners of the 2017 Australian Family Therapists’ Awards for Children’s Literature have been announced. Saving Jazz by Kate McCaffrey (Fremantle Press) has won the... Read more

CHASS Australia Book Prize 2017 shortlist announced

The Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) has announced the shortlist for the 2017 Australia Book Prize. The prize, worth $3500, is... Read more

2017 Australian Short Story Festival program announced

The program for the 2017 Australian Short Story Festival has been announced. Founded by Margaret River Press director Caroline Wood and MidnightSun publisher Anna Solding,... Read more

Sports Writers Festival 2017 program launched

The program has been announced for this year’s Sports Writers Festival, which runs in Melbourne from 28 October to 4 November. Among the guests speaking... Read more

Hardie Grant acquires Pembroke’s ‘well-timed’ book on Korea

Hardie Grant has acquired world rights (excluding the US and Canada) to Australian historian Michael Pembroke’s ‘well-timed’ book on Korea, to be published next year.... Read more


Spec-fic specialists IFWG expands as it seeks growth as ‘middle-tier independent publisher’

Spec-fiction specialists IFWG Publishing has signed a distribution deal with Dennis Jones & Associates (DJA), as it looks to entrench its brand in the industry... Read more

Varuna announces recipients of 2018 Residency Fellowships

Varuna, the Writers House, has announced the recipients of the 2018 Varuna Residency Fellowships. The writers and their projects are: The Mick Dark flagship fellowship... Read more


Pantera and Books on the Rail partner on nationwide ‘Rowland Sinclair’ campaign

Pantera Press and Books on the Rail are partnering on a nationwide campaign for book eight of Sulari Gentill’s ‘Rowland Sinclair’ series, A Dangerous Language,... Read more

‘Reader-powered’ publishing startup Inkitt raises US$3.9m in venture capital financing

Berlin-based publishing startup Inkitt, which calls itself a ‘reader-powered book publisher’, has raised US$3.9m (A$4.95m) in venture capital financing, reports Tech Crunch. Inkitt members can... Read more

Kirkus Prize 2017 finalists announced

The finalists have been announced for the 2017 Kirkus Prize, sponsored by the US publication Kirkus Reviews. The awards are presented in three categories—fiction, nonfiction... Read more

PRH Enterprises to close

In the UK, Penguin Random House (PRH) has closed its Enterprises division, which was responsible for creating commercial partnerships for the publisher’s authors and brands,... Read more

UK BA backs EU commission calls for fairer taxation on digital economy

In the UK, the Booksellers Association (BA) has expressed support for the EU Commission’s call for fairer taxation of the digital market, reports the Bookseller.... Read more

Faber & Faber announces initiatives to address under-representation

In the UK, publisher Faber & Faber has announced initiatives to reduce the under-representation of minority groups in the company, reports the Bookseller. The plan... Read more

Rights round-up

Sales Fiction—HarperCollins has sold German rights to Tears of the Maasai and Roar of the Lion (both Frank Coates) to Weltbild Retail GmbH & Co.... Read more


Bestsellers this week x

The 91-Storey Treehouse (Andy Griffiths & Terry Denton, Pan) maintains its position as the overall bestseller in a familiar-looking top 10 bestsellers chart, while new books... Read more

Charles Massy’s ‘Call of the Reed Warbler’ x

‘Call of the Reed Warbler has echoes of Thoreau’s Walden, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Jared Diamond’s Collapse, and will appeal to anyone interested in... Read more

Quote of the week x

‘I’ve got a real view about bureaucrats and politicians talking about literacy all the time, and at the same time libraries and librarians are disappearing, sort of seemingly one after another’—Australian Children’s Laureate and author Leigh Hobbs on his national tour of schools and libraries.


ALIA board issues statement of support for same-sex marriage

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) board has issued a statement in support of a yes vote in the same-sex marriage postal plebiscite. The ALIA... Read more

SLNSW wins approval for redevelopment

The City of Sydney and the NSW Heritage Council has approved the State Library of NSW’s planned $15m redevelopment of its Mitchell building. As previously... Read more

WA state library opens co-working space for creatives, entrepreneurs

The State Library of WA has opened a co-working space for entrepreneurs and creative workers, called Studio 001. The space includes more than 10 individual... Read more


‘This One Summer’ most frequently challenged title in US libraries in 2016 x

The American Library Association (ALA) has released its list of most frequently challenged books in 2016 as part of Banned Books Week, which runs from... Read more

Stocking up: 2017 Christmas highlights x

With the weather warming up, it’s time to turn our attention to the books on offer this Christmas. Read Books+Publishing’s round-up of the adult highlights—from... Read more


Book blogger spotlight: Trish Talks Texts

Trish Buckley is a teacher-librarian who brings a critical perspective to YA literature. ‘I have been reading YA novels since I was a teenager, so... Read more

Bologna Book Fair 2018: expressions of interest for combined Australian stand x

With funding from the federal Ministry of the Arts, a combined stand at Bologna is available to children’s publishers for the 2018 book fair (26-29... Read more

Australian science magazine 'Cosmos' to be distributed by Black Inc.

Black Inc. is delighted to distribute Australian science magazine Cosmos to the trade, starting with the Spring issue which will be released on Thursday 5 October. Place your order with your Penguin Random House sales representative or United Book Distributors today.

Now in its 12th year, Cosmos is a beautifully designed, perfect-bound full-colour science magazine covering everything from biology, space, mathematics, physics, technology, palaeontology, climate, social sciences, archaeology and more.

Each issue includes in-depth articles on cutting-edge science and research, shorter updates on science from around the world, profiles, book reviews and puzzles. Cosmos is released quarterly in January, April, July and October.

Read more about the Spring issue at cosmosmagazine.com.

Cosmos Magazine: The Science of Everything
Spring 2017, Issue 76
Release date: 5 October 2017 (Daily)
RRP: $15.00
ISBN: 9781760640309

To order, contact United Book Distributors on orders@unitedbookdistributors.com.au or 1800 33 88 36.


Big year of new publishing for Kate DiCamillo in 2018

The Walker Books Group announces that an exciting follow-up novel to Kate DiCamillo’s 2016 #1 New York Times bestseller, Raymie Nightingale, is to be released by the author in 2018. While fans often ask DiCamillo to write more about their favourite characters, she has never been compelled to revisit the world of a previous novel—until now. In October 2018, for the first time ever, DiCamillo will return to unravel the story of Raymie’s friend and beloved ranchero, Louisiana Elefante. In its 2016 review of Raymie Nightingale, the New York Times noted that Louisiana ‘is one of DiCamillo’s most singular and arresting creations’ and that she ‘delights on every page.’ About the new book, author Kate DiCamillo says: ‘While I had no intention of writing another novel about those rancheros, Louisiana’s voice was so strong and insistent, and her need to tell her story was so profound, that I gave in. And boy, am I ever glad that I did. I loved spending time with her again.’ DiCamillo is also partnering on an illustrated book with cartoonist and illustrator Harry Bliss for another new 2018 release, Good Rosie. The story will explore what it means to be both a dog and a friend.


NewSouth congratulates John Murphy and Elizabeth Tynan for CHASS Prize shortlisting

Congratulations to John Murphy, author of Evatt: A Life, and Elizabeth Tynan, author of Atomic Thunder: The Maralinga Story, on being shortlisted for the 2017 CHASS Australia Prize for a Book. The prize is awarded to an Australian author whose nonfiction book contributes most to Australian cultural and intellectual life.

To order, please contact TL Distribution:
P: +61(2) 8778 9999
E: orders@tldistribution.com.au


RMIT/Editors Victoria panel: Navigating the Australian publishing landscape

RMIT and Editors Victoria will present a panel discussion on Macquarie University’s recent report on Australian book readers on Wednesday 18 October. The panel discussion—called ‘Reading the future: Navigating the Australian publishing landscape’—will be moderated by Bonnier Publishing’s Angela Meyer. Panellists include:

  • Mark Rubbo, managing director of Readings
  • Barry Scott, publisher at Transit Lounge
  • Jackie Tang, editor of Books+Publishing

Ticket price includes dinner. For more information, contact David Johnson at s3491135@student.rmit.edu.au.

Event details

Date: Wednesday 18 October 2017
Time: 6 pm (for 6.30 start), dinner served at 6.45 pm
Cost: Students $15, members (and affiliate members) $25, non-members $30
Location: CQ Functions, 113 Queen St (cnr Lt Collins St), Melbourne
Bookings: https://iped.memnet.com.au/ …
Bookings close: Friday 13 October 2017




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