Inside the Australian and New Zealand book industry

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E-mag FAQ 

23 September 2008

What is an ‘e-mag'?The e-mag is an online version of Bookseller+Publisher magazine. It is created for us by our printer, PrintGraphics, using a software package called FSI. Do I need...

Useful tips for subscribers #9: WBN RSS feed 

3 December 2007

Bookseller, library and publisher websites can now host the latest book news, and book professionals can keep abreast of breaking news at any time, following the launch of the Bookseller+Publisher...

Useful tips for subscribers #7: Charts 

12 September 2006

Want to get the top 10 bestsellers and other charts faster? Now you don't have to wait until Wednesday's WBN.The�top 10�bestsellers, fastest movers and highest new entries charts, plus the...