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8 July 2022

B+P employment survey 2022

Books+Publishing‘s 2022 employment surveys will close at midnight, Friday, 15 July. If you are currently employed by a company in the book industry (e.g. publisher, bookshop, rights agency), please complete our employees’ survey here.... Read more
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Australian publishers returning to Frankfurt in person x

Attendees from 12 Australian publishing businesses will attend Frankfurt this year as part of the Australian Publishers Association (APA) stand, with a further 15 attending virtually and four publishers sending... Read more
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Wilderness Society announces Environment Award shortlists, new Karajia Award

The Wilderness Society has announced the shortlists for the 2022 Environment Award for Children’s Literature (EACL), as well as the new Karajia Award for First Nations children’s storytelling. The shortlisted... Read more
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Books in the media this weekend, 9–10 July

A round-up of the books being reviewed and mentioned in key media this coming weekend.  National The Saturday Paper  The Age of Fibs (Beth Spencer, Spineless Wonders)  Disorientation (Elaine Hsieh... Read more

Ingram to become UK wholesaler

Ingram is to become a wholesaler in the UK, reports the Bookseller. Ingram Content Group UK senior vice-president David Taylor said the company will launch the full service in September... Read more



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