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27 October 2022


Au, Burton, Archbold win 2022 Readings Prizes

The winners of the three Readings Prizes for children’s, young adult and new Australian fiction have been announced. The winners are: New Australian Fiction Prize Cold Enough for Snow (Jessica... Read more
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UQP acquires book by leading Indigenous psychologist x

UQP has acquired world rights to a book by leading Indigenous psychologist Tracy Westerman outlining her life and work. Westerman is an internationally recognised psychologist specialising in culturally appropriate psychological... Read more
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‘When Women Kill’ wins British Academy Book Prize

In the UK, Chilean writer Alia Trabucco Zerán has won the £25,000 (A$44,770) British Academy Book Prize for Global Cultural Understanding for When Women Kill: Four crimes retold (trans by... Read more
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Headland (John Byrnes, A&U) x

It’s a well-worn storyline for Australian crime fiction: a detective arrives in a small town only to discover that danger lurks beneath quaint country manners; the detective is usually running... Read more



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