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15 June 2023


Penguin Literary Prize 2023 winner announced

Penguin Random House Australia (PRH) has announced Jade and Emerald by Michelle See-Tho as the winner of the 2023 Penguin Literary Prize. Jade and Emerald is the story of a... Read more
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Little Book Press sales and distribution to Affirm

Affirm Press will sell and distribute titles by Little Book Press (LBP), the publishing arm of Raising Literacy Australia founded in 2017. All proceeds from LBP are directed to the... Read more
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Inaugural First Nations fellowship in Cambridge open to applications

A new fellowship offers First Nations writers the opportunity become a writer-in-residence at the University of Cambridge. Philanthropic organisation Cambridge Australia Scholarships (CAS) is providing the fellowship for an Aboriginal... Read more
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Kingsolver wins Women’s Prize for Fiction for ‘Demon Copperhead’

US author Barbara Kingsolver has won the 2023 Women’s Prize for fiction, worth £30,000 (A$56,000), for her 10th novel, Demon Copperhead (Faber). Kingsolver is the first writer to have won the... Read more


The Vitals (Tracy Sorensen, Picador) x

The Vitals is unlike any other book you will ever read about cancer. The book straddles the line between fiction and nonfiction and is based on Tracy Sorensen’s own cancer... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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