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17 July 2023


National Biography Award 2023 shortlist announced

The State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) has announced the shortlist for the $25,000 National Biography Award. The shortlisted works, selected from 94 entries, are: Unknown: A refugee’s story... Read more
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UQP acquires creative nonfiction work by Holland-Batt x

The University of Queensland Press (UQP) has acquired ANZ rights to an as yet untitled ‘brave, moving work’ of creative nonfiction from Stella Prize winner Sarah Holland-Batt, from Clare Forster... Read more
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Waterstones debut fiction prize shortlist announced

In the UK, the shortlist for the Waterstones Debut Fiction Prize, worth £5000 (A$9570), has been announced, reports the Bookseller. The six titles shortlisted for the award are: Wandering Souls... Read more
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Good Morning, My Deer! (Mel Amon, Scribble) x

Hare or hair, pear or pair, son or sun—abounds in a glorious new picture book from author Mel Amon, illustrated by national treasure Sophie Beer. Good Morning, My Deer! is... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine. View the edition here.



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