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20 November 2023


Newcastle Poetry Prize 2023 winners announced

The Hunter Writers’ Centre has announced the winners of the 2023 Newcastle Poetry Prize. The prize-winning pieces are: First prize ($15,000) ‘The Crossing’ by Kevin Smith Second prize ($5000) ‘Lines... Read more
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Author photograph of Emily Rodda


A&U acquires Rodda junior fiction

Allen & Unwin (A&U) has acquired ANZ rights to Landovel, a three-part junior fantasy adventure story from Emily Rodda. Publisher Eva Mills described the work as ‘compulsive and engaging’, and... Read more
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National Book Awards 2023 winners announced

In the US, the winners of the 2023 National Book Awards have been announced. The winning titles in each category are: Fiction Blackouts (Justin Torres, FSG) Nonfiction The Rediscovery of America:... Read more
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Lani and the Universe (Victoria Carless, HarperCollins) x

For young readers who enjoyed Gus and the Starlight (2022) comes another heart-warming and captivating story by Victoria Carless. Lani and the Universe tells the story of Lani Scrub, who... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine. View the edition here.



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