Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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25 May 2020


Library index: popularity of Aus books grows, ‘huge spike’ in ebook, audiobook borrowing

Books by Australian authors make up 12 of the top 20 most borrowed books according to the 2020 Civica Libraries Index, produced by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)... Read more


Bestsellers: Four top 10 titles for Bluey x

Bluey: Big Backyard and Bluey: The Creek are first and second respectively on this week’s bestseller chart, having flipped their positions from last week. There are another two Bluey titles... Read more
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UK publishers prepare for crowded autumn release schedule

In the UK, publishers are preparing to battle for shelf space and media attention due to the number of key spring and summer titles shifting into the European autumn, reports... Read more


Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine. View the edition here.
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