Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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23 June 2020


Footprint Books to close

Distributor Footprint Books has announced it is closing at the end of October 2020. ‘It is with great sadness that we announce the closure of Footprint Books,’ co-director Kate O’Reilly... Read more

Kavanagh and Callil resign as emerging critics over lack of diversity

Book critics Bec Kavanagh and Jack Callil have jointly announced their resignation from the Copyright Agency-funded emerging critics initiative, due to the lack of diversity of the applicants selected for... Read more
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UK publishing staff share salaries to promote pay transparency

In the UK, a document inviting publishing staff to share their salaries is circulating in the industry, reports the Bookseller. Nearly 900 staff have entered their salary, experience, ethnicity, sexual... Read more
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