Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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29 January 2021

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Booktopia reports EBITDA up 506% x

Online bookseller Booktopia has reported a 506% increase in its earnings (before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation: EBITDA) for the six months to the end of December 2020 in its... Read more


S&S acquires Lyons cookbook x

Simon & Schuster Australia (S&S) has acquired world rights to a book by Nathan Lyons, ‘the Australian TikTok sensation behind Kooking With A Koori’. Lyons, a Wiradjuri man, is a... Read more
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Publishers, agencies to run their own digital rights fairs

In the UK, Hachette, Pan Macmillan and a number of literary agencies will run their own digital rights fairs in March, following the rescheduling of the London and Bologna book... Read more
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