Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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13 July 2021

Sharp steps down as SWF CEO; Webb, Williams to lead 2022 festival x

Chrissy Sharp has resigned as CEO of Sydney Writers’ Festival (SWF) after three years in the role. A statement from the festival said: ‘The phenomenal success of the 2021 festival... Read more


Taperell appointed Hachette publicity manager x

Kate Taperell has been appointed to the position of publicity manager at Hachette Australia, where she will manage Hachette’s publicity team. Taperell started her publicity career at Hachette in 2003... Read more
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Griffith Review announces Long and the Short of It competition winners

Griffith Review has announced the recipients of its inaugural emerging voices writing competition. The four winning writers share in $15,000, courtesy of the Copyright Agency’s cultural fund. The winners are:... Read more


Mildenhall announced as Varuna New Zealand residency exchange recipient

Kate Mildenhall has been announced as the recipient of the inaugural New Zealand residency exchange, an international residency program held by Varuna, the National Writers’ House in collaboration with the... Read more
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