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26 May 2022


Gervay wins 2022 Crystal Kite award

Susanne Gervay has won the Australian and New Zealand division of this year’s Crystal Kite Member Choice Awards, presented by the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). Gervay... Read more
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ASAL announces book awards finalists

The Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL) has announced the finalists for several literary awards that the organisation oversees. Magarey Medal ASAL and the Australian Historical Association have... Read more
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Mabey awarded Creative NZ Louis Johnson New Writer’s Bursary

Claire Mabey has been named the recipient of Creative New Zealand’s 2022 Louis Johnson New Writer’s Bursary, receiving funding of NZ$23,150 (A$21,150). Based in Pōneke (Wellington), Mabey is a writer... Read more
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