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11 May 2017

the high places


McFarlane wins £30,000 International Dylan Thomas Prize

Fiona McFarlane has won the £30,000 (A$52,772) International Dylan Thomas Prize for her short-story collection The High Places (Hamish Hamilton), reports the Guardian. McFarlane was selected from a shortlist of... Read more


Russell Prize for Humour Writing 2017 shortlist announced

The State Library of NSW has announced the shortlist for the 2017 Russell Prize for Humour Writing. The shortlisted titles are: Going Out Backwards: A Grafton Everest Adventure (Ross Fitzgerald... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Reading Matters 2017. Australia's leading youth literature conference. 2-3 June.


Book blogger spotlight: Reading Matters

UK-based Australian blogger Kim Forrester started Reading Matters in 2004 to help her remember what she was reading. Now she likes to focus on ‘books that may have slipped under... Read more

EC to address ‘unfair contractual clauses and trading practices’

The European Commission is considering legislation to address ‘unfair contractual clauses and trading practices identified in platform-to-business relationships’, reports the Bookseller. The initiative, which was announced on 10 May as... Read more
Image. Advertisement: TLD warehousing
Image. Advertisement: The Vandemonian War by Nick Brodie



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