Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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1 September 2017

Myer to stock Amazon Kindle

Myer will stock Amazon Kindle devices and accessories in its stores and online as part of a new partnership, reports Inside Retail. ‘We are thrilled to announce our program with... Read more

Page wins 2017 ACU Poetry Prize

Poet Geoff Page has won the 2017 ACU Poetry Prize, worth $10,000, for his poem ‘Charles S. Ryan to Alice E. Sumner’.  Judge Chris Wallace-Crabbe said Page’s winning poem, which... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Advancing our profession. 8th IPEd National Editors Conference

Guest, Riggs win ‘Lifted Brow’ Prize for Experimental Nonfiction

Literary journal the Lifted Brow has selected Stephanie Guest and Kate Riggs as the winners of its 2017 Prize for Experimental Nonfiction for their essay ‘An Architecture of Early Motherhood’.... Read more


Waterstones selects Australian author for UK ‘Book of the Month’ promotion

Melbourne-born, Edinburgh-based author Anthony O’Neill’s forthcoming novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Seek (Xoum, September) has been chosen by UK bookselling chain Waterstones as its Scottish ‘Book of the Month’ for September.... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Australian Reading Hour: Make a date with a book

New ‘Books+Publishing’ reviews out now

Books+Publishing’s latest Reviews newsletter contains 11 reviews of books publishing in October and November. Gabriella Coslovich’s investigation of an alleged art fraud in Australia, Whiteley on Trial (MUP, October), received... Read more

UK children’s publisher pulps ‘Growing Up for Boys’ after criticism

In the UK, Usborne Publishing has announced it will pulp the remaining stock of its 2013 title Growing Up for Boys, after the book was criticised for its claim that... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Surrogacy: A Human Rights Violation



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