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24 November 2017


Alghurabi wins 2017 Scribe Nonfiction Prize

Lur Alghurabi has won the 2017 Scribe Nonfiction Prize for Young Writers for her entry ‘Letters from the Grave’ . Alghurabi was selected from a shortlist of 12 writers and will... Read more

the logo for Writers Victoria


Deborah Cass Prize 2017 shortlist announced

Writers Victoria has announced the shortlist for the 2017 Deborah Cass Prize for emerging writers from migrant backgrounds. The shortlisted writers and their works are: Lur Alghurabi for ‘Letters from... Read more
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Coleman’s ‘Terra Nullius’ sold to North America

Hachette Australia has sold US and Canadian rights to Claire G Coleman’s debut speculative-fiction novel Terra Nullius to US independent publisher Small Beer Press. Small Beer Press publisher Gavin J... Read more

Welch promoted to group head of PRH NZ x

Penguin Random House (PRH) New Zealand sales director Carrie Welch has been promoted to the newly created role of group head of PRH New Zealand. Welch will take on responsibility... Read more
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NZ Book Council enlists celebrities for reading campaign

The New Zealand Book Council has selected nine New Zealand celebrities to participate in its new reading campaign. The #ReadToSucceed campaign will run in the lead-up to Christmas and will... Read more

Bad S-x in Fiction Award 2017 shortlist announced

In the UK, the Literary Review has announced the Bad S-x in Fiction Award shortlist for 2017. The seven shortlisted books are: The Seventh Function of Language (Laurent Binet, Vintage)... Read more
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