Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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19 February 2019

Writers to pitch work for screen adaptation at inaugural SQ/QWC Adaptable Program

Twenty-five writers will pitch their work to film industry figures as part of a new initiative run by Screen Queensland (SQ) and the Queensland Writers Centre (QWC), which aims to... Read more


Harper acquires Stella-longlisted memoir; three-book deal with former Harper’s Bazaar editor

HarperCollins has acquired ANZ rights to Vicki Laveau-Harvie’s memoir The Erratics, which was recently longlisted for the Stella Prize. Winner of the 2018 Finch Memoir Prize, The Erratics was published... Read more
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Pearson sells US textbook business

UK educational publisher Pearson is selling its US textbook business to private equity group Nexus Capital Management and is shifting its focus to digital, reports the Financial Times. Pearson’s US K12... Read more
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