Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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19 February 2020


Readings Children's Book Prize 2020 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the Readings Children’s Book Prize for 2020 has been announced. The shortlisted titles are: Pie in the Sky (Remy Lai, Walker Books) The Dog Runner (Bren MacDibble,... Read more


Scribe acquires Woollett’s ‘The Newcomer’ x

Scribe has acquired UK and Commonwealth rights to Laura Elizabeth Woollett’s third book, The Newcomer, via Grace Heifetz at Left Bank Literary. Inspired by a real-life murder on Norfolk Island,... Read more
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HarperCollins creates standalone Irish division

HarperCollins is creating a new standalone Irish publishing division, reports the Bookseller. The division, which launches on 16 March, will be headed by Conor Nagle, who is currently Gill Books... Read more
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