Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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26 March 2020

OzCo suspends grant programs to support arts sector during pandemic

The Australia Council has suspended many of its investment programs to concentrate on providing a response package to support artists, arts practitioners, arts groups and arts organisations coping with the... Read more


Dymocks reports over 300% rise in online sales of children's nonfic x

Dymocks has reported a sharp increase in sales of education books and supplies as parents stock up on learning materials following advice to keep children home from school. Online sales... Read more
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Books Create Australia announces agreement for digital library storytimes

Books Create Australia, the joint industry group comprised of the Australian Booksellers Association, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Australian Publishers Association (APA) and the Australian Society of... Read more


Black Inc. postpones ‘Growing Up Disabled in Australia’

Black Inc. has postponed the publication of Growing Up Disabled in Australia (ed by Carly Findlay) from June this year until February 2021, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to... Read more
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Brow Books to reissue Tumarkin’s ‘Traumascapes’

Brow Books has acquired world rights to Maria Tumarkin’s nonfiction book Traumascapes, which was originally published by Melbourne University Press in 2005. Tumarkin recently won a Windham Campbell prize for... Read more

US publishers consider moving pub dates

In the US, major publishers are struggling with whether or not to move publication dates of forthcoming titles in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, reports Publishers Weekly (PW). Publishers are... Read more
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