Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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14 May 2020


‘Bluey: The Beach’ wins 2020 ABIA Book of the Year

The winners of the 2020 Australian Book Industry Awards (ABIAs) have been announced. Allen & Unwin (A&U) won publisher of the year, and titles published by the company took out... Read more


Screen adaptations of Marchetta, Zusak novels, Jamieson & Cai picture book

TV adaptions of Melina Marchetta’s novel The Place on Dalhousie (Penguin) and Markus Zusak’s The Messenger (Picador) have received funding from Screen Australia in its latest development funding announcement, while... Read more
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Scribner acquires Wilson’s ‘Hold Your Fire’ x

Simon & Schuster Australia’s Scribner imprint has acquired ANZ rights to Chloe Wilson’s debut short story collection Hold Your Fire, from Rach Crawford at Mackenzie Wolf in a four-way auction.... Read more

Peter Carey Short Story Award 2020 longlist announced

The longlist for the 2020 Peter Carey Short Story Award has been announced. Chosen from over 300 entries, the 18 longlisted stories are: ‘Once Were Three Sisters’ (Alice Mantel) ‘The... Read more
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Vale Richard Turner

Dymocks regional business development manager Richard Turner has died. Dymocks writes: ‘It is with great sadness that Dymocks announces the passing of Richard Turner, who has died after a short... Read more
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