Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
8 August 2007

A&R supplier moves prompt outrage x

Angus & Robertson (A&R)–Australia’s largest bookselling chain with over 170 stores–has created a furore among publishers and distributors in its latest round of negotiations with... Read more

'Mr Pip' on Booker longlist x

Mr Pip by New Zealand author Lloyd Jones (Text Australia/Penguin NZ) has been named as one of 13 titles on the longlist for this year’s... Read more

Australian literature summit: Government should help publishers keep Australian classics in print x

An Australia Council-hosted round table discussion of the study of Australian literature in schools and universities held in Canberra yesterday has recommended that the federal... Read more

Byron Bay Writers Festival draws the crowds x

Audience numbers at the 2007 Byron Bay Writers Festival, which ran from 26 to 29 July were ‘slightly up on last year’ according to festival... Read more

UWA Press reassessing children's list x

The University of Western Australia (UWA) Press will discontinue its young adult list and has put on hold its publishing of children’s books, pending a... Read more

Profit doubles at CUP x

Unaudited results for Cambridge University Press (CUP) for the year to 30 April show the business has experienced a doubling of profit for the second... Read more

Ozco, CAL funds project to promote speculative Australian fiction in US x

The organisers of the speculative fiction festival Conflux have received funding from the Australia Council’s Literature Board and Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) to promote Australian fantasy... Read more

Heath promoted at Reader's Digest x

Paul Heath, managing director of Reader’s Digest Australia, has been named president of Asia Pacific region of the company’s operations. The appointment follows a restructure... Read more

Northern Territory visit highlights challenges ahead of Indigenous Literacy Day x

In the lead-up to the inaugural Indigenous Literacy Day on Wednesday 5 September, members of the Indigenous Literacy Project committee, which will administer the event,... Read more

Editor accreditation exam: issues paper released x

In a new issues paper, The Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd), the national body currently preparing a national accreditation scheme for the profession, has outlined... Read more

Thomson Learning to become Cengage Learning x

Thomson Learning has announced it will change its name to Cengage Learning. The name change follows the sale of Thomson Learning Australia to Apax Partners... Read more

In brief x

Ex-MP sued for defamation by ex-NSW policeFormer NSW parliamentarian Peter Breen is being sued for defamation by two retired police officers over references in Breen’s... Read more

Around the world x

Among the stories added to our Around the World blog in the past week: ‘J T Leroy’ hoax author owes US$350,000 More publishers and more... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: • Last day of the Melbourne Reed Gift Fairs –... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

It’s a Harry frenzy in the charts this week, as all seven volumes of the Harry Potter series make the Top 10. Other than our... Read more



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