Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
15 April 2009

Parallel import debate: battle of the petitions and the price comparisons x

Hitting back at the Dymocks petition launched last week, Australians for Australian Books (an umbrella group comprising the APA, Australian Society of Authors, Printing Industries... Read more

Children's authors to picket Dymocks x

A group of children’s authors has announced that it plans to stage a protest outside Dymocks’ central Brisbane store tomorrow (Thursday), protesting against the chain’s... Read more

APA critical of Prod Comm 'roundtables' x

APA CEO Maree McCaskill has criticised last week’s ’roundtables’ held by the Productivity Commission to discuss its draft report on parallel importation. ‘In all my... Read more

Productivity Commission: final submissions due Friday x

As Friday’s deadline approaches, trade bodies are busily preparing their final submissions to the Productivity Commission and encouraging their members to do likewise. The APA... Read more

ABA Conference: speakers announced; registrations open soon x

The Australian Booksellers Association (ABA) has announced program highlights for its 85th Annual Conference, to be held from 21 to 23 June at the Novotel Manly... Read more

Australians at LBF guide x

As Australian attendees prepare for the 2009 London Book Fair (LBF), which starts next Monday, Bookseller+Publisher magazine continues to support them with our annual guide to Australian participants... Read more

UNIREPS to become NewSouth Books x

In May, book distributor UNIREPS, owned by UNSW Press, will change its trading name to NewSouth Books and will move from the UNIREPS warehouse in... Read more

Unwin Trust Fellowship winner announced x

Natalie Costa Bir has been announced as the recipient of the 2009 Unwin Trust UK-Australian Fellowship, for her proposal to study how online communities, blogs,... Read more

Corby's royalties: some seized, some kept x

While $128,000 in payments have been seized by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions, conflicting reports state that Schapelle Corby is likely to be able... Read more

Ellison Hawker 60th birthday x

Hobart’s Ellison Hawker Bookshop is celebrating its 60th birthday. The shop began as the Bijoux Newsagency in on Collins St in the Hobart CBD, in... Read more

Published Now to be launched in Australia x

A new service for the self-publishing community called Published Now will commence operations in Australia from 1 May, followed by launches in New Zealand and... Read more

Ebooks on hold for Dymocks NZ x

Dymocks New Zealand will not yet be rolling-out kiosks or selling ebooks online and in stores, despite previous plans to introduce them early this year.... Read more

BBC criticised over Lonely Planet by UK Parliament x

The BBC has been asked to ‘reign in’ its commercial operations by a British Parliamentary Committee, reports The Bookseller, after its controversial purchase of a... Read more

In brief x

The Indie Award calls for submissionsSubmissions for the 2009 Indie Award, administered by Leading Edge Books, are now open, with a closing date of Friday... Read more

Rights round-up x

In rights news this week: Fiction HarperCollins has sold French rights to Karen Miller’s books, written as KE Mills, Accidental Sorcerer and Witches Incorporated. Fremantle... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

Be prepared to rub your eyes in disbelief when you peruse the charts this week. In a combined assault, Jodi Picoult and Wilbur Smith have... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: 2009 Miles Franklin Literary Award shortlist announcement, 16 April Closing... Read more

Quote of the week x

‘The publishers and authors defending the status quo are the victims of a truly incredible mass hysteria the likes of which I’ve never seen in... Read more

Around the world x

Among the stories added to our Around the World blog in the past week: Is it okay for a library to lend a Kindle? ‘Gay... Read more

RiP Derek Weiler x

Derek Weiler, the editor of the Canadian publishing magazine, Quill & Quire has died, aged 40.

RiP Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick x

American literary theorist Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick has died. She wrote Epistemology of the Closet and Novel Gazing: Queer Readings in Fiction.



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