Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
17 October 2012

Crying in the Car: Reflections on Life and Motherhood (Karen Andrews, Miscellaneous Press) x

Karen Andrews blogs at miscmum.com and previously edited and published a collection of writing from blogs, Miscellaneous Voices. Crying in the Car is a collection... Read more

Macquarie Dictionary broadens definition of misogyny x

The Macquarie Dictionary has adjusted its definition of ‘misogyny’ to cover its current use as a synonym of ‘sexism’. While the original meaning of misogyny is ‘hatred of women’,... Read more

100 Story Building to launch x

A new centre for literacy called the 100 Story Building will be launched at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne on 30 October. The centre aims... Read more

KOALA shortlist announced x

The shortlist for this year’s Kids Own Australian Literature Awards (KOALAs), the children’s choice book awards for New South Wales, has been announced. The list of... Read more

The Best Australian Essays, Stories and Poems 2012 contributors announced x

Black Inc. has announced the contributors for The Best Australian Essays 2012, edited by Ramona Koval, The Best Australian Stories 2012, edited by Sonya Hartnett, and... Read more

Booksellers share Christmas picks x

Booksellers from Embiggen Books, Readings, The Sun Bookshop, Avid Reader and Avenue Bookstore have shared their most-anticipated Christmas titles on the Wheeler Centre’s website. Nominated... Read more

Rubbo running for Melbourne City Council x

Readings managing director Mark Rubbo is running for a position as councillor in the Melbourne City Council (MCC) election on Saturday 27 October. Rubbo spoke about his... Read more

Receivers take control of freight forwarder Intramar x

Australian freight forwarding company Intramar is now in the control of receivers PPB Advisory. Receivers Nicholas Martin and Craig Crosbie said in a letter to... Read more

NewSouth launches ‘QUICKeS’ ebook series x

NewSouth Publishing has launched a new series of ‘short, sharp essays you can read on any electric device’, says publicist Matt Howard. The series, called... Read more

Parrett wins Antarctic Arts Fellowship for second novel x

Favel Parrett has been awarded the 2012 Australian Antarctic Arts Fellowship by the Australian Federal Government. Parrett, author of Past the Shallows (Hachette), will use the... Read more

Granger, Murdoch Books settle legal battle x

The legal case between Australian chef Bill Granger and Murdoch Books was settled in August, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Granger initiated a lawsuit against... Read more

‘Griffith Review’ Novella Project winners announced x

The Griffith Review has announced the winners of its Novella Project. When the journal announced the competition, a partnership with the Copyright Agency that sought ‘the best original novellas... Read more

CAL becomes Copyright Agency, reveals new logo x

The Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) has rebranded with a new logo and name. ‘We’re no longer referring to the organisation as “CAL”,’ it said. ‘We’ve... Read more

In brief x

Judge dismisses Authors Guild lawsuit against HathiTrust In the US, federal judge Harold Baer has dismissed the Authors Guild lawsuit against digital repository HathiTrust, ruling... Read more

International Library News x

IFLA Awards presented in Helsinki The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) presented a number of awards to individuals at the recent IFLA... Read more

Softlink, QBD to expand ‘Oliver Marketplace’ program nationally x

Library services provider Softlink and bookselling chain QBD have announced that their Oliver Marketplace purchasing system is now available to all libraries across Australia. The... Read more

New Byron Bay library expected to open in December x

The construction of a new public library in Byron Bay, NSW, is expected to be completed by December. The new $3.75 million facility is located... Read more

In brief x

Sydney library design project attracts entries from 30 countries A competition to design the new Green Square Library and Plaza in Sydney has attracted 168 entries... Read more

International Library News x

OverDrive releases app for Nook OverDrive has released a free app for Barnes & Noble’s Nook ereading devices in the US which will allow Nook users... Read more

Rights sales in Oz: survey findings x

Every year Bookseller+Publisher asks Australian rights managers and literary agents to tell us how business is going. Who’s buying Australian books? Which territories are on... Read more

Book discovery in the online age not as digital as you might think x

Two new consumer reports from Bowker, parent company of Bookseller+Publisher, look at how book buyers are discovering the books they purchase in the digital age.... Read more

Twyford-Moore joins EWF x

Sam Twyford-Moore has been appointed as the new director of the Emerging Writers’ Festival (EWF). Twyford-Moore, who currently works at the NSW Writers’ Centre, will... Read more

George to replace Allely at PMP x

PMP has announced that Peter George, currently chief operating officer, will replace Richard Allely as managing director this month. Allely will finish in the role... Read more

APA Professional Development: Working with Indigenous content and Indigenous authors x

Fixed Up Proper Way? Editing Indigenous content, working with Indigenous authors. Sydney:Wednesday 14 Nov; Melbourne: Thursday 22 Nov. Speakers: Anita Heiss, Larissa Behrendt, Dylan Coleman,... Read more

Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship offers $10,000 to support a writer of biography x

Applications are now open for the Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, which will award $10,000 to an Australian writer to support the writing and research of a new... Read more

The Society of Editors (NSW) Inc. Event x

Flying solo: setting up your own editing business Wednesday 14 November 2012, 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Presented by Lyn Fernance, Julie Harders, Denise Holden... Read more

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation’s Trivia Night x

Help raise funds for vital literacy resources for remote Indigenous communities by attending the Indigenous Literacy Foundation’s Trivia Night on Wednesday, 14 November. Where: Souths... Read more

Indigenous Literacy Foundation Requests for Book Submissions x

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is calling for submissions from publishers (trade and educational) for the 2013 Book Supply to remote Indigenous Communities. Books are supplied... Read more

Entries open for the Ashurst Business Literature Prize x

Nominations are now open for Australia’s largest and most important award for business literature — the Ashurst Business Literature Prize.

The prestigious $30,000 award was established in 2004 by law firm Ashurst (formerly Blake Dawson) and the State Library of NSW to encourage the highest possible standards of literary commentary on Australian business and financial affairs.

The subjects covered by the prize have ranged from Australian corporate and commercial literature and histories through to accounts and analyses of corporate affairs and biographies of business men and women. Books eligible for nomination must have been first published and commercially available in Australia from 2 September 2011 to 31 August 2012.

Nominations close: Friday 26 October 2012. Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded at www.sl.nsw.gov.au/awards.

The winner will be announced in June 2013.




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