Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
24 July 2013

Skye Melki-Wegner’s ‘Chasing the Valley’ x

Sixteen-year-old Danika is a street kid in a world where a tyrant king keeps the population cowed with alchemy bombs dropped by royal biplanes. The... Read more

Kirsten Krauth’s ‘just_a_girl’ x

Kirsten Krauth’s debut novel is by turns frustrating and exhilarating. On one hand, the plot is fraught with clichés connected to the too-familiar ‘rite of... Read more

Wright wins Sri Lankan writing fellowship x

Short story-writer Michelle Wright has won the first Templeberg Residential Writing Fellowship. The Fellowship, which is offered by Writers Victoria and Templeberg Villa, will send... Read more

Book Grocer Williamstown to close x

The Book Grocer will close its Williamstown store in August due to the planned redevelopment of the building in which the store is housed. ‘We’ve... Read more

Booksellers recognised at Australian Retail Awards x

Reader’s Feast Bookstore, the Co-op and ABC Stores have been recognised at the 2013 Australian Retailers Association (ARA) Australian Retail Awards. Melbourne-based Reader’s Feast was named... Read more

Le on judging panel for Folio Prize x

Australian author Nam Le has been selected as a judge for the inaugural Folio Prize. Le joins fellow judges Lavinia Greenlaw (chair), Michael Chabon, Sarah... Read more

International Library News x

British Council to reopen Pakistan library In Pakistan, the British Council will reopen its library in Lahore in mid-2014, 12 years after it was closed,... Read more

National Library of NZ produces its first ebooks x

The National Library of New Zealand’s book digitisation pilot program has produced its first ebooks, the library has announced on its website. Thirty-six titles have... Read more

In brief x

ALIA 2013 National Advisory Congresses underway The Australian Library and Information Association’s (ALIA) 2013 National Advisory Congresses kicked off this week with an event at... Read more

ALIA launches federal election advocacy campaign x

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) will be lobbying all candidates for the forthcoming federal election to endorse its ‘Library and Information Agenda’, which was... Read more

In brief x

New location for Lavington Library in NSW Albury City Libraries has opened a new library in the city’s suburb of Lavington, reports the Border Mail.... Read more

Council to end funding of Mount Gambier library x

The Grant District Council in South Australia will cease funding the Mount Gambier Public Library, reports the ABC. The district council announced last week that its... Read more

Baker & Taylor to combine James Bennett, YBP academic services for ANZ libraries x

Library supplier Baker & Taylor has announced that it will combine its academic library services from James Bennett and Yankee Book Peddler (YBP) in the... Read more

Keiran Rogers: Robert Galbraith didn’t sell. Why is anyone surprised? x

‘Many people appeared very surprised that even without her name on the cover in 72-point font, J K Rowling’s quality of writing did not shine... Read more

What booksellers want from publishers x

In the latest instalment in our series of opinion pieces from booksellers, Christopher Currie from Avid Reader argues that the book industry needs to get... Read more

Keane leaves Pearson New Zealand x

Adrian Keane finished in his role of managing director of Pearson New Zealand in June as part of the closure of the Pearson educational publishing... Read more

McCleary resigns from Booksellers New Zealand x

Emma McCleary has resigned as web editor of Booksellers New Zealand to take up a role as senior communications and marketing advisor at Hutt City Council. McCleary... Read more

LIANZA Conference 2013 registrations open x

LIANZA has announced that registration is open for LIANZA Conference 2013: Wai-Ora, Wai-Māori, Waikato, 20-23 October 2013 in Hamilton, New Zealand. With a great range of keynote speakers,... Read more

APA Professional Development x

APA Professional Development: Last bookings this week for Children’s Digital Publishing Conference. And there’s more. Click on Kids’: Children’s Digital Publishing Seminar with 13 presentations... Read more

PacStream outage on Saturday x

PacStream advises that there will be an outage for essential system maintenance from 1:00pm – 3:00pm AEST this coming Saturday, 27 July 2013. During this period you will not be able to connect to PacStream to send or receive orders, order acknowledgements or invoices.

Contact: support@pacstream.com.au


Last chance to register for Get Reading! 2013 x

There’s only one week left to register for this year’s September Get Reading! campaign, which will feature an all-Australian Top 50 Books You Can’t Put Down.
The 2013 guide will promote 50 great reads by Aussie authors and will include something for everyone – making it easy for more Australians to find a good book. The guide this year will reach more Australians than ever before as it will be available as an easily accessible, attractive digital guide at getreading.com.au and also as a downloadable and printable PDF.

This year’s largest celebration of books and reading will also include exciting competitions and giveaways, a national author event program, television advertising featuring National Ambassador Shane Jacobson and free POS promotional material.

Booksellers and libraries can get onboard this year’s campaign, order their promotional material and register to host author events by emailing getreading@trustandc.com.au for a password, and then registering online at getreading.com.au before Wednesday 31 July.


Hardie Grant congratulates cyclist Stuart O’Grady on retirement x

Hardie Grant Books congratulate Stuart O’Grady on his retirement from professional cycling. In a glittering career, O’Grady equalled a record 17 appearances in the Tour de France, won four Olympic cycling medals, claimed victory in several stages of the Tour and won the Tour Down Under in 1999 and 2001. ‘It’s been 23 years of top level performing and 19 years of professional racing, so it’s time to move on.’ Stuart’s end of career autobiography is out in November through Hardie Grant Books and SBS. For orders please contact Random House Customer Service.


Elsevier Australia reviewing prices x

Elsevier Australia are reviewing prices with changes to take affect from Monday 2nd September 2013. These new prices will be applicable to orders from Monday 2nd September 2013.


Woodslane Minimum Order Amount x

Please note Woodslane’s minimum order amount for free freight is now $200. Orders below this amount can either be held and merged until the minimum is reached or sent with a $15 small order surcharge.


‘Think Australian’ ad bookings closing soon x

Advertising bookings for Books+Publishing’s Think Australian export catalogue are closing on Friday 23 August.

Now in its 11th year, Think Australian is an annual overview of the Australian book market, specifically timed to maximise publishers’ opportunities at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

A printed copy of Think Australian will be mailed in advance of this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair to over 2000 international publishers and agents and will be distributed at the fair to more than 15,000 visitors as an insert in Publishing Perspectives Show Daily.

To view last year’s catalogue, click here. For more information about bookings, email advertising@thorpe.com.au.


Want remainders? x

Herron offer the best remainders in Australia with over 5000 titles at any one time. From a small dump bin, front table to a full store or centre court, you are assured to create ongoing sales with quality, simplicity, reliability and value. Herron represents all publishers locally and overseas. Big, small, fiction, kids, cooking you name it we stock it!

Contact: Herron Books 07 33998799 or sales@herronbooks.com


‘The Happiness Jar’ by Samantha Tidy x

SEPTEMBER NEW RELEASE: The Happiness Jar by Samantha Tidy. Published by Storytorch Press, September 2013. Multi-award nominated novel, will be cover feature of Good Reading Magazine, September issue. Order now for September stock from Peribo (02) 9457-0011, info@peribo.com.au. See www.storytorch.com.au for more details.


‘Think Australian’ ad bookings closing soon x

Advertising bookings for Books+Publishing’s Think Australian export catalogue are closing on Friday 23 August.

Now in its 11th year, Think Australian is an annual overview of the Australian book market, specifically timed to maximise publishers’ opportunities at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

A printed copy of Think Australian will be mailed in advance of this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair to over 2000 international publishers and agents and will be distributed at the fair to more than 15,000 visitors as an insert in Publishing Perspectives Show Daily.

To view last year’s catalogue, click here. For more information about bookings, email advertising@thorpe.com.au.




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