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28 September 2022


The New Rulebook

A practical, inclusive guide to life from Instagram’s favourite psychologist Chris Cheers. Take a moment and check in with how you’ve been feeling lately. Maybe... Read more
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Historical Novel Prize 2022 shortlists announced

Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) has announced the shortlists for the 2022 ARA Historical Novel Prize, worth a total of $100,000. The titles shortlisted in... Read more


Nib Literary Award 2022 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the $20,000 Mark and Evette Moran Nib Literary Award has been announced. The shortlisted titles are: Two Afternoons in the Kabul Stadium... Read more
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FT Business Book of the Year Award shortlist announced

In the UK, the shortlist for the 2022 Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award has been announced. The shortlisted books are: Dead in... Read more


High job satisfaction, low pay rates: Freelancers’ survey 2022 x

In July 2022 Books+Publishing (B+P) surveyed more than 300 people about their employment in the Australian book industry, following up on similar surveys in 2013 and 2018. This year, for... Read more
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More than just recipes: Contemporary cookbooks x

In our latest genre spotlight Books+Publishing takes a look at the food and drink category, diving into the different elements that make up the contemporary cookbook. For many,... Read more


Osman’s new Thursday Murder Club book debuts at number two x

Top 10 bestsellers      The 156-Storey Treehouse (Andy Griffiths & Terry Denton, Pan) The Bullet That Missed (Richard Osman, Viking) Fairy Tale (Stephen King, Hodder &... Read more


The Teal Revolution (Margot Saville, Hardie Grant) x

Australia’s 2022 federal election brought a major upset: six independent female candidates—colloquially known as ‘the teals’ for the signature colour they adopted (a blend of... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



Tjitji Lullaby (Michael Ross & Zaachariaha Fielding, illus by Lisa Kennedy, ABC Books) x

A lyrical storytelling beauty aligned with rich bedtime qualities of calm and serenity featuring diverse Australian wildlife. Tjitji Lullaby, the hardcover board book for babies... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.



Vale Hilary Mantel

British writer Hilary Mantel died last week, aged 70. Best known for her ‘Wolf Hall’ historical fiction trilogy, Mantel won the Booker Prize twice, for... Read more


Read the latest Publishers Weekly x

Books+Publishing is partnering with US trade news magazine Publishers Weekly to provide our subscribers with exclusive access to the weekly digital edition of PW magazine.... Read more

Westmoreland appointed Willy Lit Fest director

Emily Westmoreland has been appointed program director of Melbourne’s Williamstown Literary Festival, taking over from Jane Finemore.


Kaos Court

Dave died in mysterious and grotesque circumstances and the murder has caught the imagination of a nation. There’s a Facebook poll running and 46% of... Read more



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