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5 February 2024


Craig leaves Ultimo x

Ultimo Press has announced that Alex Craig has departed the business. Craig ‘joined Ultimo Press at the very beginning of the imprint and was responsible for publishing critically acclaimed and... Read more
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Photograph of Tina Gumnior


Gumnior joins Scribe  x

Tina Gumnior has joined Scribe as its publicity manager. Gumnior replaces Cora Roberts, who left the role of publicity director in January after more than 12 years at the company. With... Read more
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McKenzie wins Victorian Premier’s History Award

Carmel McKenzie received the 2023 Victorian Premier’s History Award for the book St Kilda 1841–1900: Movers and shakers and money-makers (Manneton Publishing). St Kilda 1841–1900 explains how St Kilda was... Read more
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The logo for Overland, with the word written in green font.


Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize shortlist announced

Overland has announced the shortlist for the 2023 Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize. Shortlisted stories are: ‘Ad Nauseam’ by Gillian Hagenus ‘Committal’ by Bridget Webster ‘Fledgling’ by Madison Godfrey ‘Mandarin... Read more

The logo for Overland, with the word written in green font.


Judith Wright Poetry Prize shortlist announced

Overland has announced the shortlist for the 2023 Judith Wright Poetry Prize. Shortlisted poems include: ‘Because a Wind Blazes’ by Dženana Vucic ‘Celestial Tree’ by Andrew Brooks ‘Febrile’ by William... Read more

Vivendi considers plans to put Hachette on stock market x

In France, Vivendi, which acquired Hachette parent company Lagardère in 2023, has detailed plans to split Vivendi into four entities, each of which would be listed on the stock market,... Read more


Kin: Family in the 21st century (Marina Kamenev, NewSouth) x

While women’s rights over their bodies continue to be depleted in the United States, Kin: Family in the 21st century presents the history of a related struggle: the right to... Read more

Books+Publishing pre-publication reviews are supported by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.




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