Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
Image. Advertisement: Marlborough Man by Alan Carter. NZ copper Nick Chester is hiding from a hard man with a grudge, and hunting for a killer in the Marlborough Sounds.
9 May 2017


‘A Court of Wings and Ruin’ sets Dymocks’ record for fastest selling book this year

US YA author Sarah J Maas’ A Court of Wings and Ruin sold over 1300 units across Dymocks stores on its 2 May release date, making it the chain’s fastest... Read more


Affirm acquires ‘The Uncollected Plays of Shaun Micallef’ x

Affirm Press has acquired a collection of playscripts by comedian Shaun Micallef, to be published next year. In a statement, Affirm publishing director Martin Hughes said the company wants to... Read more
Image. Advertisement: A Fuhrer for a Father. Award-winning author Jim Davidson's new memoir.

New ILF app to help children in remote WA community read in their first language

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) has launched a new app in Ngaanyatjarra and English languages for the Warburton community in Western Australia. The app, which was developed as part of... Read more


Winder promoted to MD of Hachette NZ; plans for local publishing program x

Hachette New Zealand’s sales and marketing director Mel Winder has been promoted to managing director of the New Zealand business. Winder has run Hachette’s New Zealand office since 2013, when... Read more
Image. Advertisement: National Simultaneous Storytime

Pan Macmillan, Waterstones among the winners at British Book Awards

Pan Macmillan has been named Publisher of the Year at the British Book Awards for the second time in three years, reports the Bookseller. Pan Macmillan’s consumer sales were up... Read more


Clinton, Patterson collaborate on novel

Former US president Bill Clinton and author James Patterson have teamed up to write a political thriller, which will be published by Cornerstone in June 2018, reports Publishers Weekly. The... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Turtles Day Out



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