Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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8 February 2018

Little Gods

A rare, original and stunning coming-of-age story resonating with echoes of Jasper Jones, Cloudstreet and Seven Little Australians. The setting is the Mallee, wide flat scrubland in north-western Victoria, country... Read more


Inaugural children’s literature festival to be held in WA

A new festival celebrating children’s literature and arts will be held in Claremont, Western Australia from 9-13 May. The inaugural Scribblers Festival is conceived by WA arts advocacy organisation FORM... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Good Night Stores for Rebel Girls 2 now available from Gardners


‘Nevermoor’ makes shortlist for Waterstones children’s prize

Jessica Townsend’s middle-grade novel Nevermoor (Lothian) has been shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize in the younger readers category. Australian-born US-based author Emily Suvada is also shortlisted in the... Read more


Hardie Grant acquires Karen Martini cookbook

Hardie Grant Books has acquired world rights to Karen Martini’s next cookbook for publication in 2019. The Melbourne chef, restaurateur, food writer and food editor of Sunday Life magazine has... Read more
Image. Advertisement: 2018 Neilma Sidney Literary Travel Fund


Xoum changes name to Brio Books; moves distribution to Hardie Grant

Xoum Publishing is changing its name to Brio Books, effective immediately. Brio Books—originally the name of the publisher’s literary imprint founded in 2016—will continue to be led by publishers Rod... Read more

Scribd returns to unlimited access model

In the US, online reading service Scribd is returning to its original ‘unlimited’ access reading model, although some controls will remain in place to limit ‘particularly heavy consumption’ by subscribers,... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Dream Stealers: A Modern Fable by Terry Whidborne



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