Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
Image. Advertisement: Can you lose a child and still believe in love?
9 March 2018

No ‘Daily’ on Monday

Please note that, due to the public holiday on Monday (Labour Day in Victoria, Adelaide Cup Day in South Australia, Canberra Day in ACT and Eight Hours Day in Tasmania),... Read more


Stella Prize 2018 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the 2018 Stella Prize has been announced. The shortlisted titles are: The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree (Shokoofeh Azar, Wild Dingo Press) Terra Nullius (Claire G Coleman,... Read more
Image. Advertisement: LEB Conference. Last Chance to Book!


Schmidt longlisted for Women’s Prize for Fiction 2018

Australian author Sarah Schmidt has been longlisted for the 2018 Women’s Prize for Fiction for her debut novel, See What I Have Done (Hachette). Schmidt’s book takes as its subject... Read more

Dyer to step down from SWF, joins AWW as director x

The Sydney Writers’ Festival (SWF) has announced that CEO Jo Dyer will step down from the role in June 2018, following the upcoming festival which runs from 30 April to... Read more
Image. Advertisement: NSW Premier's History Awards 2018


Hazel Rowley Fellowship Award 2018 winners announced

Writers Victoria has announced that author Jacqueline Kent has been awarded the $15,000 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship for her proposed biography of political campaigner and women’s rights activist Vida Goldstein.... Read more


Translated kids’ fiction prize releases shortlist

In the UK, children’s reading charity BookTrust has released the shortlist for its children’s books in translation project, In Other Words. The promotion, which was launched in September 2016, is... Read more
Image. Advertisement: Dark Matter


Hay Festival announces #VOTE100BOOKS campaign

In the UK, the Hay Festival has announced a campaign to select 100 books by women from the last 100 years to be celebrated at its festivals in the UK... Read more



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