Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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6 March 2020

No ‘Daily’ on Monday x

Please note that, due to the public holiday on Monday (Victoria, South Australia, ACT and Tasmania), the next Daily newsletter will be published on Tuesday, 10 March.


Stella Prize 2020 shortlist announced

The shortlist for the 2020 Stella Prize, worth $50,000, has been announced. The shortlisted titles are: See What You Made Me Do (Jess Hill, Black Inc.) Diving into Glass (Caro Llewellyn, Hamish Hamilton)... Read more
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Pivet-Marsh appointed EWF artistic director

The Emerging Writers Festival (EWF) has announced Ruby-Rose Pivet-Marsh as its new artistic director. Pivet-Marsh is a writer, producer and community organiser from Melbourne’s inner west, and has been a... Read more

Blythe to leave Black Inc. x

Black Inc. publicity and marketing manager Marian Blythe is leaving the company to head to the UK. Blythe, who has been in the position since January 2018, said, ‘I’ve been... Read more
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Scale Free Network sells language rights to ‘Small Friends Books’ x

Language rights to four titles in the ‘Small Friends Books’ series of educational picture books, which are co-published by Scale Free Network (SFN) and CSIRO Publishing, have been sold to... Read more

Hachette staff walkout to protest Woody Allen’s memoir

In the US, employees at Grand Central Publishing, Little, Brown and several other Hachette Book Group (HBG) imprints have staged a walkout three days after Grand Central Publishing announced it... Read more
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