Daily Newsletter (end March 2022)
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1 July 2021


Cosslett appointed PANZ president, NZ book sales receive pandemic boost x

The Publishers Association of New Zealand (PANZ) has appointed Graeme Cosslett as president of the PANZ council. Cosslett, who is director of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER)... Read more


‘The Animals in that Country’ shortlisted for Arthur C Clarke Award

In the UK, The Animals in that Country by Laura Jean McKay (Scribe) has been shortlisted for the Arthur C Clarke Award for science fiction. McKay’s novel, which won the... Read more
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Regional NSW literary festivals report success, StoryFest becomes biennial x

StoryFest 2021 was held on the South Coast of NSW between 18–20 June. In its second year, the festival invited readers and writers to the Milton-Mollymook-Ulladulla region for a weekend... Read more


Sri Lankan writer D’Almeida wins overall Commonwealth Short Story Prize

Sri Lankan writer Kanya D’Almeida has been named the overall winner of the 2021 Commonwealth Short Story Prize for her story ‘I Cleaned The—’. D’Almeida’s story is about “‘dirty work’:... Read more
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Stories from the City

Love may be simple, but relationships are complex, and this group of thirty-somethings is discovering just how complicated life can get when romance is involved. Stories from the City by... Read more
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